Do you want to grow in Christ? Do you want to be used by God?
JGLM LifeTeams may be the answer you've been looking for?!

Being A New Creation
Revealing to believers what has been accomplished by Jesus for us through His death, burial, and resurrection. What you now are (in Christ) not what you will become someday.
Kingdom Stewardship
Training believers how to operate in Kingdom principles concerning finances. Allowing you to step into God's provision. Living life by faith being good stewards of what has been given to us.
Walking In The Supernatural
Healing, Prophecy, Power!
Training doers of the word and not hearers only. This is done through practical hands-on application and no fluff no nonsense training.
Renewing The Mind
Revealing not only the command to renew your mind but also Training believers how to renew your mind in every area of your life.

The purpose and function of LifeTeams is to assist Christians in growing up into Christ in all things by fulfilling the great commission and producing spiritually mature Christians in the shortest time possible.
LifeTeams are small, rapidly multiplying units of believers that are systematically trained and working as a team according to a specific training program with the purpose of reaching their city for Christ. The teams follow a systematic course of study and application that coincides with the JGLM Dominion Bible Institute (DBI). The leader of the team has the responsibility of training, equipping, and preparing the members of the team to do the works of Christ. The training of members takes place through teaching, study, role-playing, and developing within each member a lifestyle of doing the great commission.
Its time to: Grow Up, Step up, & Speak up!